This is a fun game that evokes memories of Ultima: Exodus on the NES. Theres the 8-bit style presentation, the kitschy tunes and the overly strategic approach to combat. However, there are a few things this will need before it can truly be recommended as being worth $2.
1). There needs to be a way to load from the last save point. The only way to do it now is turn off, then restart your device and reopen the app.
2). There needs to be a way to immediately exit dungeons. Traipsing through them after completing an objective is more tedious than fun.
3). The ability to warp between previously visited locations would be greatly appreciated and cut down on much of the needless walking.
4). Last, but not least, your party should have the ability to run from fights. This has been a standard feature in RPGs for nearly 30 years. Its exclusion here is highly questionable and makes most battles highly aggravating.
If these changes can please be added in a future update (more sooner than later) Id be much obliged. It would also make this title much, MUCH more balanced and approachable to potential customers.
Detroitalan01 about Gurk III - the 8-bit RPG